
The Primal Scream

 The Primal Scream project is a package of reported articles exploring the challenges of working mothers during the pandemic. In December of 2020 the NY Times Parenting section published a callout with a hotline for working parents to leave an anonymous voicemail where they could vent, actually scream, complain and release their frustrations about what they’d had to endure over the previous year of working from home, with kids, schooling at home, and keeping it together, or not.

In February 2021 we published the Primal Scream package with a multimedia, interactive landing page, including audio from the submissions we received and stats and data points from studies on the state of working parents. The package included a deeply reported piece following the lives of three mothers from different parts of the US, with photos by Brenda Ann Kenneally. The rest of the package included still life artwork by Csilla Klenyanszki, whose personal work explores similar themes. (Role: Art direction, Illustration, Design, Development)